Top of the Line gear to get in the air
Complete Gear and Training packages
Skymax Star Titanium (Moster Plus or Atom 80)
Supair Evo Harness, Dudek or Sky Harness
APCO Glider
iFLY Training (9 Days or Part-Time)
Forever Support
Apco First Harness III Kiting Harness​
E Prop or Helix Carbon Propeller
PPG1 and PPG2 Certification*
Glider stuff-sack
Wind sock or T-Shirt
Complete Gear and Training packages start at around $12,500
Other engine combinations available, please call for additional details and firm quote.
This package pricing reduces your training costs to as little as ~$1000 based off our $3000 standard training prices. Buy the best gear available and save,.
*PPG1 & PPG2 ratings are not guaranteed, you must complete requisite training and practical testing to obtain ratings.
Some restrictions apply, call for complete details​, Indiana residents sales tax may apply